Other Services
Nutrition is a very complex and for many an overwhelming idea to navigate and understand. We use our many years of experience and education to design an eating plan individualized for each person. We will work together with you to come up with a plan that you will be successful with. Weight loss, weight gain, lower blood pressure, you name it we can help.
$800 for 12 weeks.
80 a month (after first 12 weeks)
weekly check-in's
unlimited meal plan adjustments.
Health Coaching
There is so much information thrown at us- dr's, internet, trainers, all with great ideas but not always great ideas for you, or the ideas are unrealistic, in the current state of your life. With Life style, wellness, health coaching ( whatever you want call it) we will work together to come up with realistic goals. These goals will help you build the life you want.
First consultation to learn about the service is free.
Goal setting session is $200.
Follow up sessions $100 each
pre pay for 4 or more sessions at $75 each.
Physique Coaching
John Nickerson and Pete Grubbs are both available to coach posing for all divisions in both the INBBF and the NPC. Please contact them to find out more details on pricing and availability.